
Service Contracts: Beyond Trust in Service Oriented Architectures. In INFORSID-SSI, 2016.
Towards Security Software Engineering the Smart Grid as a System of Systems. In SoSE, 2015. B2  
Using Relax Operators into an MDE Security Requirement Elicitation Process for Systems of Systems. In SESoS, 2014.
The Systems-of-Systems Challenge in Security Engineering. In GPL, 2014.
Challenges in Security Engineering of Systems-of-Systems. In CIEL, 2014.
Towards Modelling and Analysing Non-Functional Properties of Systems of Systems. In SoSE, 2014. B2  
Accords de niveau de service et modèle de réputation pour le contrôle d'usage. In FJC, 2014.
Gestion des risques dans les architectures orientées services. Thèse de doctorat, 2013.