About Me

Manuel Munier received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Nancy in january 1999. His thesis works studied cooperative systems, advanced transaction models, distributed systems. Immediately after receiving his Ph.D., he worked as a postdoctoral researcher for INRIA Lorraine and Xerox Research Centre Europe in Grenoble.

In september 1999 he joined the University of Pau (IUT des Pays de l’Adour, département Réseaux & Télécommunications, site de Mont de Marsan). Manuel Munier is a member of CPSA team (Cyber-Physical System Architecture) of the LIUPPA (Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour).

Research   Publications   Teaching

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  • Information System Security
  • Information Security Risk Management
  • Trust and Privacy Management
  • Computer Supported Collaborative Work
  • Risk Manager ISO/IEC 27005 certification, 2011


  • PhD in Computer Science, 1999

    University of Nancy I - UMR 7503 - Loria

  • Master's Degree in Computer Science, 1994

    University of Metz

📚 My Research

My work initially concerned security policies, access control and usage control in information systems.

My research theme then gradually evolved from « information systems security » to « information security », with the inclusion of concepts such as « risk management » (related to information security) and « legal aspects » (related to the mechanisms implemented to ensure information security).

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Paper at KES 2023 conference, Athens, Greece

In our article entitled “Translating Usage Control Policies to Semantic Rules: A Model using OrBAC and SWRL” we present how to translate OrBAC rules into SWRL to integrate them into semantic web ontologies.

RESILINK promotional video is released !

Produced by Rania Elsayed from AASTMT (Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport) Egypt, the promotional video highlights the main challenges addressed by RESILINK and its main contributions.