RESILINK general meeting in Rabat, Morocco

May 24th, 2023
Scientific day of the PRIMA RESILINK project organized at INRA Research Center Rabat, Morocco, by the INRA team (Dr. Hayat Lionbui, Dr. Tarik Benabdelouahab, Dr. Elhaj Elmaadoudi).
- The RESILINK project: challenges and objectives. Pr Congduc Pham, UPPA. French version.
- Digital Platforms at the Service of Resilient Agriculture: The Challenge of Meeting Agricultural Actor’s Needs, From Production To Market. Dr Hayat Lionbui, INRA Rabat.
- A telecommunication perspective for digital platforms targeting the agriculture domain. Dr. Veronique Henry, Orange.
- The Orange Decentralized Exchange Place. Dr. Salma Bradai, Orange (Sofrecom).
May 25th, 2023
The whole RESILINK team took the opportunity of the General Meeting at INRA Rabat to visit farmers and have discussion on RESILINK’s approach.
May 26th, 2023
This third day of the meeting was devoted to the presentation of the first technical results. After online Design Thinking sessions, RESILINK teams present at the General Meeting in Rabat had a physical Design Thinking session to better catch the requirements and the needs of farmers with regards to digital platforms for sharing resources.
So far, you can look at the home page, objectives and consortium pages.
You can also check here my personal page for this project.