PhD position (CD40): "informational self-determination in smart buildings"

Table of Contents
Informational self-determination in smart buildings
Connected environments such as smart buildings (and by extension smart cities) promise to bring us new services: energy management, optimization of transport, targeting of disseminated information, etc. The core of these connected object architectures (IoT) is data. However, these ecosystems involve numerous IT systems operated by different actors (each actor can have its own objectives, constraints, challenges, etc.). One of the challenges in terms of security is to keep control of the information exchanged by these numerous systems. The notion of informational self-determination means that each actor is able to decide and control who uses “his” data, where, for what processing (purpose), etc. This thesis project aims to design new traceability mechanisms in order to improve the control of the information handled and disseminated.
information security, connected objects, traceability, informational self-determination
Working conditions
Laboratory | LIUPPA |
PhD Director | Pr Congduc PHAM |
PhD co-Directeur | Dr Manuel MUNIER |
Place | Mont-de-Marsan (40000, France) |
Start | 01/12/2020 |
Duration | 3 ans |
Employer | Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) |
Monthly salary before taxes | 1768€ |
Host laboratory profile:
- cybers-physical systems
- security: architectures and protocols
- communicating systems, Internet of Things
- law & digital, privacy
Mission - Principal activities
Scientific context, objectives, work plan
More details on the French web page.
Literature References
Manuel Munier, Vincent Lalanne. Information Security and Data Controllability for Collaborative Systems. WorldCIS 2019, Dec 2019, London, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-02412958⟩
Manuel Munier, Vincent Lalanne, Tatiana Shulga-Morskaya. IoT: maîtrise des flux d’information. INFORSID 2019 - atelier “Génie logiciel et qualité de l’internet des objets”, Jun 2019, Paris, France. ⟨hal-02412966⟩
Gloria Elena Jaramillo, Manuel Munier, Philippe Aniorte. Du Contrôle de La Collaboration Humaine Vers Des Contrats de Service Sémantiques Pour La Sécurité de l’Information. Ingéniérie des Systèmes d’Information, Lavoisier, 2017, 22 (1), pp.43-64. ⟨10.3166/isi.22.1.43-64⟩. ⟨hal-01906800⟩
G.E. Jaramillo Rojas, Philippe Aniorte, Manuel Munier. Service Contracts: Beyond Trust in Service Oriented Architectures. INFORSID 2016 - Actes Du 8e Forum Jeunes Chercheurs Du Congres INFORSID, May 2016, Grenoble, France. ⟨10.3166/ISI.y.y.1-6⟩. ⟨hal-01910020⟩
Vincent Lalanne, Manuel Munier, Alban Gabillon. Information Security Risk Management in a World of Services. ASE/IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT 2013), Sep 2013, Washington D.C, United States. pp.586-593, ⟨10.1109/SocialCom.2013.88⟩. ⟨hal-01020244⟩
Required competences
We are looking for candidates with a master’s degree in computer science motivated by research and with good skills in the following areas: programming (Java, Python, JavaScript), semantic web, distributed architectures. Knowledge of networking, IoT or use of cryptography would be a plus.
This thesis work will be carried out in French. The candidate must nevertheless have a good level in English.
Criteria used to select candidate
Selection process steps:
- Establishment of the selection comittee.
- Evaluation of the applicants CV’s.
- Interview with the selected candidates and ranking.
Criteria used in selection of the candidate:
- The candidate’s motivation, scientific maturity and curiosity.
- Candidate’s marks and rankings in M1 and M2.
- English proficiency.
Documents for application
Send an e-mail with your candidature containing:
- CV
- Cover letter detailing candidate’s motivations
- Copy of the diploma
- Candidate’s MSc or equivalent: marks and ranking
- Any letters of recommendation
- Contact details for 2 referees
Limiting date
September 15, 2020
Applicants interested in this thesis subject must contact as soon as possible:
- Congduc PHAM ( →
- Manuel MUNIER ( →