Feb 10, 2022 · 2 min read
2022 → 2026
Increasing Resilience of Smallholders with Multi-Platforms Linking Localized Resource Sharing
PRIMA project
project webpage


RESILINK builds resilience through real-time information exchange and generalized & localized resources sharing. It will leverage advanced digital technologies to propose sophisticated but easy to use/affordable solutions adapted to the smallholder communities. In RESILINK, simple, intuitive and multi-interface mobile applications interacting with digital platforms will be central to provide smallholders with the possibility of linking and sharing information in a real-time manner. Disruptive technologies such as Internet-of-Thing (IoT), Edge Computing, Linked-Data and AI-based Decision Support System (DSS) will be incrementally integrated to provide an increased level of automation for a number of agriculture/farming processes. While the ideas of connecting smallholders to market and sharing resources are not new, the approach taken by RESILINK is to provide a unique platform-of-platforms capable of integrating existing or future platforms into comprehensive dashboards/portfolios.

  • RESILINK will improve the agri-food value chain by optimizing usage of local resources, generalizing local resource sharing approach and facilitating territorial markets.
  • RESILINK will develop distributed digital resource management platform for real-time exchange of information on territorial resources and supplies & demands; connecting smallholders to new supply, sharing opportunities and distribution channels.
  • RESILINK will use cutting-edge digital technologies to connect fields and farms resources, automatize and add intelligence in the agri-food value chain to provide simple application interfaces adapted to smallholders.


digital platforms, intelligent resource management, resource sharing, resilience, continuity of access, smallholders, new market opportunities, new agri-food chain model, open-source development, multi-actor approach, large-scale piloting