A transactional approach for cross-organizational cooperation

Dec 5, 1999·
Manuel Munier
Manuel Munier
Khalid Benali
Claude Godart
· 0 min read
Due to the popularization of Internet, virtual enterprises are expected to become commonplace on the WEB. The concept of virtual enterprise depicts the idea that many applications are the result of cross-organisational cooperation between several actors, playing different roles, who build a relational system which is structured by a common objective. Virtual enterprises can be short- or long-lived. The objective of our work is to develop a framework to install and to support cooperation betwen the partners of a virtual enterprise, with a particular focuss on concurrent engineering applications, and especially on co-design activities. We have chosen a transactional approach which releases programmers from the burden of interaction programming, and this approach has been implemented in a distributed manner using a cooperation model requesting a partner to negotiate cooperation patterns with its direct neighbours.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 5-9, 1999