Towards a secure data sharing management approach for IoT environments

Sep 27, 2024·
Nouha Laamech
Congduc Pham [Dir]
Manuel Munier [Co-Dir]
· 0 min read
Connected environments such as smart buildings (and by extension smart cities) promise to bring us new services: energy management, optimization of transport, targeting of disseminated information, etc. The core of these connected object architectures (IoT) is data. However, these ecosystems involve numerous IT systems operated by different actors (each actor can have its own objectives, constraints, challenges, etc.). One of the challenges in terms of security is to keep control of the information exchanged by these numerous systems. The notion of informational self-determination means that each actor is able to decide and control who uses “his” data, where, for what processing (purpose), etc. This thesis project aims to design new traceability mechanisms in order to improve the control of the information handled and disseminated.
(Congduc Pham, dir.) (Manuel Munier, co-dir.)
Thèse de doctorat UPPA (ED211 Sciences Exactes et leurs Applications)

Mont de Marsan (Landes), France, 27 septembre 2024